Thursday, September 22, 2016

Fight disillusionment among young people with prayers for Truth

With chaos erupting throughout our country, young people can feel like they’re wandering in a country that offers little hope, rare justice, and no escape. They may hunger for someone to follow and see few leaders they respect, and they may ache to lead themselves but don’t know how.

It’s understandable. Their disillusionment may ferment into rage after being disappointed by parents, teachers, political leaders and other older adults. In their street protests and in the cynicism that floods social media, their frustration boils over about joblessness and economic inequities, along with the violence occurring in their neighborhoods and during confrontations with police.

Young people are wrestling with a lot. There’s no better time than now to pray fervently for younger generations to hear the Voice of Jesus Christ, the One who cherishes their lives beyond human understanding. It’s a time to deeply intercede for young people, to pray that the Lord gives them wisdom and raises them up as the young Samuels and Davids of our day.

At Dallas Leadership Foundation, we’re prayerfully trying to position our teams as a reliable source of encouragement for young people. Especially young people in under-served communities. We’re hosting Power Lunch sessions in schools and serving as leaders who depend on God to equip youth when they come to us with their questions and problems.

Keep young people in prayer. Keep us in prayer. Future leaders are emerging, and may they be Spirit-led change agents for His kingdom.

“I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me," from Jesus in John 14:6
"And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free,” from Jesus in John 8:32 

To learn more about how you can link arms with us as we reach out to young leaders, visit

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